Energy-Aware Service And Route Discovery Scheme for AODV using Piggybacking in MANETs (AODV-EASARD)
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 06 (2014),
1 August 2014
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less multihop network where each node communicates with other nodes directly or indirectly through intermediate nodes. Thus, all nodes in a MANET basically function as hosts as well as routers participating in some routing protocol required for deciding and maintaining the routes. Since MANETs are infrastructure-less, self-organizing, rapidly deployable wireless network, they are highly suitable for applications involving special outdoor events, communications in regions with no wireless infrastructure, emergencies and natural disasters, and military operations.
Key Words: MANETs, Routing, Energy-Aware.How to Cite
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