Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic PID Controller
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 06 (2014),
1 August 2014
Three phase induction motor drives have various industrial applications. In this thesis work indirect vector control technique is used which is based upon the Fuzzy PID speed controller. This method of speed control using fuzzy logic in induction motor altogether forms a closed loop control system. Result evaluated and obtained for speed control in Simulink provides reasonable accurate output at the end.
This thesis provides a technique for implementing a rule-based fuzzy logic PID controller applied to a closed loop indirect vector control the speed control of an induction motor. In this the d-q axis theory is used for the modeling of induction motor. For the speed control of IM using indirect vector control technique, a reference speed has been used and the control architecture includes the rule base. The controller has been tuned by hit and trial error method. The errors in the system are evaluated according to the rules which have defined membership functions.
Keywords: Induction motor, Fuzzy logic controller, Indirect vector control, PID Controller, closed loop parameters.How to Cite
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