To Enhance Homomorphic Encryption scheme for Key Management and Key Sharing in Cloud Computing
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 06 (2014),
1 August 2014
The cloud can offer services to the users at lower cost and services are available at anytime, anywhere, user data security is the main challenge in cloud computing. The data encryption is the best way for providing data security in cloud computing. Fully homomorphic encryption scheme is reliable and secure encryption technique. The main problem with fully disk encryption scheme is key management, key storage and data aggregation. To solve the problem of key management and key sharing various schemes are proposed in last few years. The third party auditor is the scheme for key management and key sharing. The third party auditor scheme will be failed if the third party’s security is compromised or third party will be malicious. Cloud computing is very latest technology which is widely used in these days. There are some security threats in this network. The proposed scheme is used to provide security to the cloud so that attacker will unable to hack the information using Diffie- Hellman key exchange protocol. . In Diffie -Hellman algorithm, there is no provision for the storage or exchange of the PIN key. So it protects network devices from attacks.
Keywords: Cloud computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm.
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