Screening of Biopesticides Against Insect Pests of Brinjal
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 06 (2014),
1 August 2014
A field study was carried out during 2013 at the experimental area of Entomology Section, Agriculture Research Institute, (ARI) Tandojam to examined the efficacy of different biopesticides against insect pests of brinjal . Seven treatments with three replictions were applied. The treatments were: T1=chemical control (confidor/Nissuran), T2=Neem (Azadirachta indica), T3=Akk (Calotropis procera Alton. F.), T4=Tooh (Citrullus colocynthus Schrad. L.), T5=Datura (Datura stramonium) T6=Tabacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and T7=Control (untreated). Three insect pests were found infesting brinjal including white fly ,mites and jassid. Pre treatment- and post-treatment observations were recorded.Â
The results revealed that against white fly the first spray of chemical control(confidor) showed highest efficacy (98.51%), followed by Neem extract (95.96%), Tobacco extract (94.70%), Tooh extract (92.78%), Akk extract (89.17%) and lowest for Dhatura extract (87.68%); while in the second spray also, chemical control(confidor)Â showed highest efficacy against white fly (82.50%); followed by Neem extract (81.38%), Tobacco extract (79.93%), Tooh extract (77.11%) akk extract(77.42%) and least by Dhatura extract (71.78%). Against mites, chemical control (Nissuran) showed highest efficacy (83.53%) as observed during 1st spray, followed neem extract,(77.74%) Tobacco extract,(71.81%),tooh extract (67.95%),akk extract(62.01%) and Dhatura extract (56.52%), while after second spray also, chemical control (Nissuran) showed highest efficacy (80.57%), followed by Neem extract (72.80%), Tobacco extract (67.48%), Tooh extract (65.84%), Akk extract (52.96%) and the lowest efficacy was resulted by Dhatura extract (48.26%). Against jassid population on brinjal the first spray results showed that chemical control(confidor) showed highest efficacy (97.95%), followed by Neem extract (96.08%), Tobacco extract (95.63%), Tooh extract (86.17%),akk extract(81.19%) and Dhatura (70.94%) and least efficacy resulted by After second spray, chemical control(confidor) showed highest efficacy (99.64%), followed by Neem extract (98.36%), Tobacco extract (93.75%), Tooh extract (88.73%), Akk extract (83.62%) and the lowest efficacy was resulted by Dhatura extract (69.03%) respectively. Chemical control (confidor/Nissuran),showed its superiority in efficacy to combat all the insect pests studied in brinjal, followed by Neem extract Tobacco extract. Tooh extract, Akk extract and Dhatura remained the least.
Keywords: Entomology, biopesticides, Tobacco, brinjal, Tooh extract, Akk extract and Dhatura remained the least.ÂHow to Cite
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