A Novel Design and Fabrication of Electromagnetic Internal Combustion Engines
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017),
1 April 2017
Page 5094-5104
This paper reports an investigation that was carried out in a magnetic engine is according to the concept
appears to be a so-called "perpetual motion machine". Here you will find its images, patent, and also you
will learn information from his production and testing. The Black pointer on the disk indicates the position
of piston. It is evident that with the closed shutter the piston is located stably in the upper position, and
shutter renders the valuable screening of magnets, fulfilling the functions described by me. Further, with the
discovery of shutter piston accomplishes reciprocating motion. The stored energy of flywheel continues to
move piston to the upper position. Work: the displacements of the shutter = of 0,444 the displacement of
piston = 1,251.
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