Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Automotive and Aerospace Applications- Case Study
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 04 (2017),
1 April 2017
Page 5105-5113
Generally, MWCNTs are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nano tubes have been
constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, significantly larger than for any other
material. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for
nanotechnology, automotive, aerospace applications and other fields of materials science and technology.
The diesel engines have advantages like durability, reliability and fuel economy compared to their
counterpart gasoline engines. The main problems associated with diesel engines are their higher emission
of particulate matter (PM) and Nitric oxides associated with various global hazards .Reduction of
hazardous tail pipe emission from the engine using different methods such as engine modification, fuel
alteration with nano particle additives, and exhaust gas treatment are the feasible methods for reducing the
same. Through prior journal studies and from experimental studies conducted on MWCNT nano particle
biodiesel blends, it was found that they have the capability of reducing NOx, HC, and CO emissions, and
increasing brake thermal efficiency closer to the value of conventional diesel. The properties of these
nanostructures are so unique and enhanced that it is finding applications in various spheres of life – right
from automotive to optical and to space applications. Owing to their exceptional morphological
characteristics, electric, thermal and mechanical, carbon nano tubes yield a material particularly promising
as reinforcement in the composite materials with metallic matrixes, ceramics and polymers for various
aerospace applications.
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