Sustainable Development for Storage of Surface Water Due to Sinking of Under Ground Water Level: Public Private Partnership
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016),
1 May 2016
Page 3846-3858
Degradation of the grazing lands in the Sahel has led to increasing concern about the necessity for
maintaining the right balance between the available water supplies, available vegetation for browse and
grazing, and the intensity of use by livestock. The flat-batter dam, or spread-bank dam, is another water
harvesting method, from the area of Rainfall is about 400 mm but most falls at low intensities. The terrain is
flat or gently sloping sandy soils overlying clay and, together with the low intensity rainfall, this makes
roadbed catchments unsuitable. The coefficient of run-off is not always as high as might be expected from
bare rock surface, and can go down to less than 50 percent due to losses from evaporation, surface
depression storage, and losses through fissures and cracks. Limestones are usually weathered and fissured,
and may yield as little as 25 percent, while a steep solid granite may yield 80 or 90 percent. The yield can
sometimes be increased by sealing the fissures with cement or bitumen. An alternative way of reducing
infiltration is to physically block soil pores on the surface. This can be done by adding bentonite, a very fine
colloidal clay used for sealing the floor of leaking reservoirs, or mixing cement into the surface soil to form a
soil-cement stable layer. The harvesting and use of water by storing it in dams, tanks, and other constructed
containers is too big a subject for detailed treatment with engineering tools .The surface to the ground water
level with respect to qutub is presently 405 ft as on day and it goes on decreasing day to day is subjected to
800 ft in 2030 is measure concern at the present decades .The author predict the storage of the water and
generate the hydro power by connecting the river to river and enhancing the government business is measure
concern and compared to other Asian nation like China covering @ 75% of the electricity produces through
the hydro power
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