Implementation of A Cross Platform Configuration Manager for Automating Various Tasks Involved in Wild fly Server
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016),
1 May 2016
Page 3947-3950|
Cloud computing has revolutionized the computing landscape by providing on demand, pay-as-you-go
access to elastically scalable resources. Many applications are now being migrated from on-premises data
centers to public clouds. The upcoming OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud
Applications (TOSCA) standard provides new ways to enable portable automated deployment and
management of composite applications. TOSCA describes the structure of composite applications as
topologies containing their components and their relationships. Plans capture management tasks by
orchestrating management operations exposed by the components. This chapter provides an overview on the
concepts and usage of TOSCA. Our automated parallel approach makes the composite application
deployment run in parallel when there are installation dependencies across multiple servers. We
implemented a prototype system on Chef, a widely used automatic server installation framework, and
evaluated the performance of our composite application deployment on a Soft Layer public cloud using two
composite application server cases.
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