Design & Fabrication of ACV
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 05 (2016),
1 May 2016
Page 3995-4015
Air Cushion Vehicle is a machine that can move on the land surface or water and it is supported by cushion
that has high compressed air inside. The cushion is a closed canvas and better known as a skirt. An ACV
moves on most of surface either in rough, soft or slippery condition. The design and construction of an ACV
with full basic function is reported by taking into consideration, size, material and component availability
intermediate fabrication skill. In-depth research was carried out to determine the component of ACV system
and their basic function and in particular it’s principle of operation. For this research project, there are two
basic requirements. The first requirement is to design and construct a physical model of ACV. The second
requirement is to control motion of constructed ACV and to make it suitable torun on water and land surfaces.
The fabrication of designed ACV by using material that are easily available by taking into consideration the
economic constraints and time constraints. The systems that can be used to increase human life quality during
military operations, pipeline survey, and border patrol, during the natural disaster and situation faced by
human are such as earthquake, flood etc. Further research is required to improve the efficiency of ACV
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