The Relationship between Intermediate EFL Students’ Oral Reproduction and their Willingness to Communicate and Self-Efficacy
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016),
1 June 2016
Page 4149-4156
Oral production plays a significant part in any academic field, especially in TEFL (Heyde,1979). This study
aimed to illuminate and investigate the two psychological and crucial factors influencing the oral production:
Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and Self-efficacy (SE). An attempt was made to assess the relationship
among WTC, Self-Efficacy, and Oral reproduction. In so doing, after homogenizing the students as
Intermediate ones via a placement test, two questionnaires of WTC (McCroskey, 1987, 1992) and Selfefficacy SE (Owen & Froman, 1988) were administered to 48 intermediate students. Having administered the
questionnaires, the researcher asked the subjects to reproduce very short stories from the book entitled “Steps
to Understanding”. Based on the questionnaires, the subjects were divided into four groups: 1) High WTC,
High SE, 2) High WTC, Low SE, 3) Low WTC, High SE, and 4) Low WTC, Low SE. The data collected from
the questionnaires as well as the scores given to their oral reproductions were analyzed through SPSS
(21.00). Results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups of High
WTC, High SE and Low WTC, Low SE. The former group outperformed the latter one. The outcomes of this
study can have benefits for both foreign language teachers and learners. They both can attain better results
by focusing more on these two psychological factors in their roles. The findings of the present study
demonstrated that more concentration ought to be placed on these two psychological factors in order to
enhance students’ oral reproductions
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