Detection of Spine Diseases by Feature Change in Aging Lumbar Spine Using Factor Analysis
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 06 (2016),
1 June 2016
Page 4176-4181
The vertebrae’s and intervertebral discs form the axis of the skeleton which is said to be spine. The spine
consists of 33 vertebrae’s which are grouped as five regions named as cervical region, thoracic region, lumbar
region, sacrum, coccygeal. Spine has features like vertebral height, disc height, disc signal intensities, Para
spinal muscles, fat signals, psoas signal etc. Using these features the problems of the spine can be detected. In
this work MRI image of female in the age group 30-70 are taken for processing. The Image Enhancement and
segmentation is done to the image and the features are extracted. Factor Analysis is used to correlate the spine
features and the problems related to spine can be detected. The spine related problems are studied with
changes in the spine features change.
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