Message to Africans
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 07 (2016),
1 July 2016
Page 4353-4359
I took a time of thinking about Africa, my home
continent, but the direct cause is history of my
birth country Rwanda that had been in bad politics
and led to Genocide against Tutsi in 1994. This
genocide was supported by some of European
countries and the government of Rwanda headed
by Major General HABYARIMANA Juvenal. For
this I wondered, how can European countries and
their partners help African countries in leadership
and politics? Thus I chose messaging Africans to
remind them on how to plan the good future by
means of African solidarity. This message will
give us a short history of African, African
problems, Solutions of African problems and true
information about genocide against Tutsi in
Rwanda. Come and share to construct our Africa
through African solidarity.
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