Occupational Stress Among Mauritian Nurses
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 04 (2014),
2 June 2014
Background: Occupational stress has now become a very common issue in the health care organizations. Numerous research based articles have clarified that occupational stress affects the performance and working within clinical settings. There is a lack of authenticated data regarding the occupational stress among the nursing professionals in Mauritius.
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to measure the level of stress among the nursing professionals working in Dr. A. G. Jeetoo Hospital.
Methods: This project used cross sectional survey with the help of questionnaires based upon Likert approach and open ended approach. The sample of the study was selected from Dr. A. G. Jeetoo Hospital.
Results: A significant number of participants reported that they are working in a stressful environment within clinical settings.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the nursing professionals usually face occupational stress while working in clinical settings. Occupational stress is also associated with the poor performance regarding the delivery of health care.
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