E-Transaction Without Using Trusted Third Party Based On RSA Signature
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
E transaction allows to support two parties exchange their obligation over the internet. Based on the RSA algorithm we are going to deal this protocol in this paper. In the existing or previous system , use of third party seems to increase the risk in dealing. In this paper we are going to built an independent web application by removing third party. We Are going to provide security between dealing parties.RSA –based act of finding such a solution, since the third party(court) is going to involve in the condition if and only if one of the dealing parties is cheated or the channel is misused. Furthermore the proposed system introduced new technology i.e., Trusted E-Transaction if any party is cheated with the other party then whole transaction is terminated. Active Bundle which is mediator that contain private confidential data proposed system gives security and improve the performance virtual machine that contain protection rules and policies.
            The RSA Algorithm is used for signing and verifying identity the digital signature is the combination of private and public key. the private key plays the role of senders own signature. the senders public key plays the role copy of signature which are available to the public.
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