Impact of Service Quality on Satisfaction of Spectator
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 04 (2014),
2 June 2014
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of service quality on spectator satisfaction . To measure service quality, Groonroos (1984) theoretical framework which contained two dimensions of technical quality(outcome quality) and functional quality was used .The methodology was descriptive survey and the data was collected through random sampling  among 241 spectators of Shahid Beheshti Stadium in 2013 which was obtained by Cochran formula .To examine hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling in Error level of 0.05 was used .The results indicate the effect of functional quality on spectators satisfaction with regard to regression coefficient (0.08) and p-value (0.375) which is more than significance level of 0.05, is not significant. Therefore ,with possibility of 95 % , functional quality doesn’t have any positive effect on spectators satisfaction .The results also indicate the effect of technical(outcome) quality on spectators satisfaction with regard to regression coefficient (0.76) and p-value (0.000) which is less than significance level of 0.05, is significant .Therefore ,with possibility of 95 % , technical(outcome) quality have positive effect on spectators satisfaction. .Considering the survey findings , spectators satisfaction have many benefits for the clubs .Clubs managers must do their best to improve the service quality offered to spectators as well as to employ star players in order to provide spectators with satisfaction which results in spectators presence in stadiums .
Key words: Sport Marketing, Service Quality, satisfactionHow to Cite
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