Combining Ability Analysis for Qualitative Characters in Indian Hexaploid Wheat
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 09 (2017),
1 September 2017
Page 5887-5890
Combining ability effects were estimated in line x tester crossing programme for five characters involving
four lines and three testers in Triticum durum. It revealed preponderance of non-additive gene action for
protein content, sedimentation value, Pelshenke value, DBC value and Lysine content, which suggests
scope for improvement of these characters through heterosis breeding and transgressive segregants for
evolving high yielding superior genotypes. PBW 343, HD 2687 and UP 2338 among tester and Diamond
Bird, RL 6077, Pavon 76 and Webstar among lines were evaluated as good general combiners. Among
hybrids, PBW 343 x Diamond Bird, HD 2687 x Pavon 76, PBW 343 x Webstar, were the most promising
ones as they had high SCA effect and GCA effects for Protein content and its component characters. An
attempt of multiple crosses with the use of all the above good general combiners would lead to obtain
transgressive segregants for yield in advanced generations.
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