Energy Efficient Multipath Secure Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 09 (2017),
1 September 2017
Page 5911-5919
Aim of project is to develop a novel probability model to analyze best redundancy level In terms of path
redundancy, source redundancy and best IDs. The contribution of project is to decide “how many paths
to use and which path to use” in order to tolerate residual compromised node that survive our IDs to
increase the life time of diverse wireless sensor networks. This is especially a critical issue in military
or mission-critical WSN applications. Sensor nodes (SNs) close to the base station (BS) are more
critical in gathering and routing sensing data. In the literature, various schemes have been designed for
preserving critical SNs from energy exhaustion so as to prolong the system lifetime maximization;
however, how to counter selective capture. We propose and analyze an adaptive network management
algorithm with 3 countermeasures to counter selective capture: (1) optimal communication range and
mode adjustment; (2) intra-clustering scheduling and inter-cluster multihop routing scheme; and (3)
voting based intrusion detection. We develop a probability model to reveal the tradeoff between energy
consumption vs. reliability and security gain with the goal to maximize the lifetime of a query-based
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