Grewia (Malvaceae sensu lato): ethnomedicinal uses and future potential
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 09 (2017),
1 September 2017
Page 5954-5960
Knowledge of traditional uses of plants or plant based products among the folks or various communities
around the world had been the primary key for many scientific exploration of drug discovery. The plants
of pharmaceutical or medicinal importance are under pressure because of demand and over exploitation.
The current review presents the potential of Grewia, a genera of family Malvaceae sensu lato as an
alternative source for the commercialization of Grewia species based plant products for various purpose.
Traditionally Grewia species were used for the treatment of many disease such as Malaria, Tuberculosis,
Syphilis, Fever etc. Grewia species exhibited low cytotoxic properties. Ethnomedicinally, two species of
Grewia i.e. G. asiatica and G. mollis had been used widely in African and Asian countries and exhibits
future potential for commercialization.
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