Enhanced Round Robin Technique with Variant Time Quantum for Task Scheduling In Grid Computing
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 09 (2017),
1 September 2017
Page 6016-6021
Grid computing is a form of distributed architecture in which large number of computers are connected to
solve a complex problem. In the grid computing model, geographically distributed resources run
independent tasks and are loosely linked by the Internet or low-speed networks. Efficient scheduling
systems are needed to improve the performance of the Grid. Round robin scheduling algorithm (RR) is
designed especially for time sharing system.In real-time embedded systems, scheduling policy is
considered as one of the main factors that affect their performance. It helps to choose the best resource for
executing a task. Round Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm is widely used and its performance highly
depends on a Quantum time Qt, which is a predefined amount of time assigned by CPU to every task to be
executed. However, the performance degrades with respect to an average waiting time (AWT), an average
turnaround time (ATT) and a number of context switches (NCS). This paper presents an Enhanced Round
Robin Technique with variant time quantum to reduce the average waiting time, turnaround time and the
number of context switches in order to improve the overall Grid performance. It also presents a
comparative analysis between existing Round Robin algorithm and the proposed technique based on the
average waiting time, average turnaround time, average response time and number of context switches.
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