What Determines mixed-income housing development in Developing economies. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
17 November 2022
The aim of this present resaerch work is to develope and identify what are the relevant key indicators which guide the implementation of mixed-income housing development and to find a way to compare two indicators: intergovernmental support and collaboration and Town Planning regulation policy. Sample size of 200 were selected randomly out of a total population of 300 residents interviewed in a mixed-income residential neighbourhood at Cosmo City, Johannesburg. The data was Analysed using a statistical methods of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. The research questions is on Whether Town Planning Policies and Regulation impact positively or negatively on the development of Mixed-income housing projects and if there is any correlation between Town Planning Approval and Policies and Inter-governmental collaboration in the development of a mixed-income housing framework? Results of the findings are as follows:(1) The construct fitted the empirical data as mixed-income housing development framework is guided by six dimensions or indicators. (2) The study also show the relevance of townplanning approval and policy in a given mixed-income housing development as it helps to maintain and conserve the neighbourhood. The conclusion and recommendation drawn from this study is that both intergovernmental support and collaboration as well as Town Planning regualtions both play very important role in the location of mixed-income housing development in South Africa and other developing economies.
Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model, mixed-income housing, Town Planning regulations and intergovenmental collaborations.
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