Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge on Total Parenteral Nutrition for Staff Nurses
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
Background and Purpose of The Study:
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), a form of central venous nutrition therapy, used when the patient needs intensive nutritional support for an extended period. Is an exciting therapeutic intervention for the critically ill patient, as well as for the patient with permanent small bowel dysfunction requiring long-term nutrition support. Nurses must play a vital role in supporting optimal response to parenteral nutrition therapy, minimizing complications.
Keywords: self instruction module,total parenteral nutrition,staff nurse,purposive sampling
How to Cite
RAJALAKSHIMI, M. J., & Mr. Pandiya Rajan**, M. . P. (2014). Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge on Total Parenteral Nutrition for Staff Nurses. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(02). Retrieved from http://ijetst.in/index.php/ijetst/article/view/24
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4. Guptha.K, Chopra.S.C. Journal of Total parenteral Nutrition. Anesthesia and clinical pharmacology 2008; 24(2): 137-146.
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8. Galica LA. Parenteral Nutrition Support Services, University of Pennsylvania Health System, 19104, USA.
9. Patel. M.Total parentrel nutrition in the newborn using peripheral veins role of I.V.nursing team. Indian journal of nursing student.2005 Oct; 06.
10. Guptha.K, Chopra.S.C. The effectivenss of an educational intervention in changing nursing practice and preventing catheter-related infection for patients receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition. National Medical Journal of India. 2004 apr-oct; 37(5):371-9.
11. Lyons JM, Falkenbach L, Cerra FB. Total Parentral Nutrition with full time home care nurses. Journal of parenteral Enteral Nutrition. Turkey .2004Nov-Dec; 5(6):528-30.
12. Fox VJ, Miller J, McCiung M. Nutritional support in the critically injured. Trinity Mother Frances Health System, USA. vjfoxnp@cox-internet.com.
13. Griffiths RD, Bongers T. Nutrition support for patient in the intensive care unit. University of Liverpool, Whiston Hospital, UK, may-oct; 37(5):361-9.
14. Collins E, Lawson L, Lau MT, et all. Care of central Venous Catheters for total parenteral nutrition. Nutrition clinical practice, Omaha, 2003 Jun; 11 (3): 87-8.
15. Helen Arrowsmith. A critical evaluation of the use of nutrition screening tools by nurses. British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 8, Iss. 22, 09 Dec 2006, pp 1483-1490.
16. Rao PSS. Richard J. Introduction to biostatistics & Research methods. 4th ed.New Delhi. Prenlice-Hall of India;2000.
17. Nair.K.K. A diagnostic study of the error in the usage of tenses in English committed by seventh standard students.2008.
18. Sen.D, Prakash.J. Nutrition in dialysis patient. Journal of Association Physicians, Varanasi, India . 2006 Jul; 48(7): 724-30.
2. Hebuterne. X, Frere. A.M, Bayle. J and.Rampal.P. Priapism in a Patient treats with total parenteral nutrition, Journal of parenteral and Enteral Nutritionvol.16 no.2 2001 p171-174.
3. Potter.P.A, Perry.A.G. Fundamentals of nursing. 6th edition. Mosby publication; 2006 p 1160-1161.
4. Guptha.K, Chopra.S.C. Journal of Total parenteral Nutrition. Anesthesia and clinical pharmacology 2008; 24(2): 137-146.
5. Suzanne.C.S, Brenda.G.B.Brunner and suddarth Text book of medical surgical nursing. 10th edition. Lippincot publication ; p 1001-1002.
6. Lewis.S.M, Heitkemper.M.M,Dirksen.S.R. Medical surgical Nursing. 6th edition. Mosby publication; 2000 p 987-989.
7. Helen Smith. Nurses must be involved in the nutritional care of patients. British Journal of Nursing, Vol.11, Iss. 14,25Jul 2004, pp928.
8. Galica LA. Parenteral Nutrition Support Services, University of Pennsylvania Health System, 19104, USA.
9. Patel. M.Total parentrel nutrition in the newborn using peripheral veins role of I.V.nursing team. Indian journal of nursing student.2005 Oct; 06.
10. Guptha.K, Chopra.S.C. The effectivenss of an educational intervention in changing nursing practice and preventing catheter-related infection for patients receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition. National Medical Journal of India. 2004 apr-oct; 37(5):371-9.
11. Lyons JM, Falkenbach L, Cerra FB. Total Parentral Nutrition with full time home care nurses. Journal of parenteral Enteral Nutrition. Turkey .2004Nov-Dec; 5(6):528-30.
12. Fox VJ, Miller J, McCiung M. Nutritional support in the critically injured. Trinity Mother Frances Health System, USA. vjfoxnp@cox-internet.com.
13. Griffiths RD, Bongers T. Nutrition support for patient in the intensive care unit. University of Liverpool, Whiston Hospital, UK, may-oct; 37(5):361-9.
14. Collins E, Lawson L, Lau MT, et all. Care of central Venous Catheters for total parenteral nutrition. Nutrition clinical practice, Omaha, 2003 Jun; 11 (3): 87-8.
15. Helen Arrowsmith. A critical evaluation of the use of nutrition screening tools by nurses. British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 8, Iss. 22, 09 Dec 2006, pp 1483-1490.
16. Rao PSS. Richard J. Introduction to biostatistics & Research methods. 4th ed.New Delhi. Prenlice-Hall of India;2000.
17. Nair.K.K. A diagnostic study of the error in the usage of tenses in English committed by seventh standard students.2008.
18. Sen.D, Prakash.J. Nutrition in dialysis patient. Journal of Association Physicians, Varanasi, India . 2006 Jul; 48(7): 724-30.
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