International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
- In every country Election is nothing but the basic ornament of democracy that allows country people to show their opinions by electing their leaders in accordance with their choice. In our country the voting percentage is very poor and it is degrading day by day also during voting there may be chances of cheating like Booth Capturing or people votes can be casted to different candidates other than the one whom they wished to give away their votes. This happens in our regular voting system. To avoid all the drawbacks in all the traditional manual election systems’ problems, our aim is to cast Online Voting System employing biometrics in order to avoid frauds and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the election so that one can cast his vote irrespective of his location, Biometric systems are the system which make identification of people according to their physical characteristics which are unique always. Biometric methods consist of fingerprint, face recognition, hand shape, retina, voice tracking, iris recognition, palm print methods.                       Â
We have tried to make a sincere effort to put a stop to all the malicious activities & safeguard the right of voting of each & every individual of country. The software will provide a user friendly GUI using which the voters can cast their votes according to their choice to the corresponding candidates. Different levels of security would be provided in the software which would help in authentication of an individual. Thus we plan to make the voting process friendly, secure & effective one.
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