Readiness in providing E-governance: A case study of Dhaka City Corporation, Bangladesh
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
The concept of e-government has been emerged in the late 1990s. But application of information technology in every aspect creates a new horizon of development. In the meantime, the government of Bangladesh declared its Vision 2021 regarding ‘‘the Digital Bangladesh’’.With a commitment to facilitating easy access to, creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge and knowledge systems likely known as e-governance. This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of e- governance in government local authority focusing Dhaka City Corporation, is one of the most integrated institution who provide value added services to citizens as well as to what extent DCC is ready to adopt such management practice while providing value added service to public. It is explored by the study that existing infrastructure of DCC is not adequate to implement e-governance services properly because of to current employee skills and training efforts are inadequate to advance the e-services at a full online as well as technological infrastructure, DCC is not yet competent. This study found insufficient number of computers and weak internet connection as major infrastructural obstacles. The infrastructural requirement of DCC is nearly double than its running equipments and other technological facilities.
Key words: E-governance, Digital Bangladesh, Information and communication technologyHow to Cite
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