Web Page Categorization Based on Neurons
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 07 (2014),
2 September 2014
Contemporary web is comprised of trillions of pages and everyday tremendous amount of requests are made to put more web pages on the WWW. It has been difficult to manage information present on web than to create it. Web page categorization can be defined as an approach to categorize the web pages based on a set of predefined categories to manage large web content. Yahoo! and ODP are the examples of web directories in which pages are categorized manually or semi automatically, but it is a very time consuming task. There are many ways of categorizing web pages using different techniques. An approach to categorize web pages automatically on the basis of characteristics of web pages using neural network based single discrete perception training algorithm which is extended by selecting web page specific features to categorize web pages of predefined categories with high accuracy. The idea is presented with the help of two specific and major categories of web pages chosen for categorization that are newspaper and education.
Keywords: Categorization, WebHow to Cite
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