Error Free Cryptographic Secure Communication Using LDPC and Stopping Set Algorithm
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
Abstract— In this paper we discuss how LDPC and Stopping set can be used in communication system design. In cryptographic secure communication we are transmitting data securely. LDPC algorithm implemented at sender side and stopping set algorithm are implemented receiver side to providing secure and error free communication. To make a strong security we are applying double encryption technique. LDPC algorithm protected under RSA algorithm. If hacker make modification in original data at that time that modified data can not received by the receiver. Whenever the eavesdropper attack on system and it has better channel Quality than the receiver at that time it difficult to receive original data or error free data. this security is achieved by using LDPC and stopping set algorithm.
Index Terms— Cryptography, LDPC, Stopping Set, Eavesdroppers.How to Cite
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