Software Protection against Piracy and Reverse Engineering using Software Watermarking Technique
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 07 (2014),
2 September 2014
The rise  in use  of Internet  and  byte code  languages such  as Java byte code  and  Microsoft’s  Common Intermediate language have  made copying, decompiling  and disassembling software easier with the rapid development of Internet  and Software Industry. The issue of software piracy and security is of great concern. Software watermarking is a new technique appeared in recent years for software copyright protection. It embeds some secret information (watermark) into software as an identifier of the ownership of copyright for the software. We are going to implement a software watermarking algorithm that is effective for the copyright protection of java program, especially for java class files.
Index Terms—software watermarking, byte code, software copyright, protection, java program, class files.
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