BER and SER Based Performance Analysis of BPSK and QPSK Modulation Schemes with OFDM in Rayleigh Fading Channel
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 08 (2014),
2 October 2014
BER is a key property of the digital communication system. Various types of modulation methods are used in the digital information transmission system. BER can be demarcated as the number of received bits of a data stream over a communication channel that can be affected due to noise, interference and distortion or bit synchronization errors. OFDM can be seen as either a modulation technique or a multiplexing technique. One of the main reasons to use OFDM is to increase the robustness against frequency selective fading or narrowband interference. In a single carrier system, a single fade or interferer can cause the entire link to fail, but in a multicarrier system, only a small percentage of the subcarriers will be affected. The BPSK digital modulation technique for OFDM system over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. From comparison we can observe that the OFDM- BPSK modulation has no any specific advantage over a conventional BPSK modulation scheme in AWGN channel but OFDM-BPSK modulation in AWGN channel has great advantage over OFDM-BPSK modulation in Rayleigh fading channel. The performance of BER of BPSK over AWGN and Rayleigh channel is compared. Simulation of BPSK signals is carried with both AWGN and Rayleigh channel. The work provides link level performance analysis of non-line of sight QPSK-OFDM data transmission over Rayleigh fading channels. Two scenarios have been considered in this thesis. Firstly, the performance of BPSK-OFDM and QPSK-OFDM over the AWGN and Rayleigh channel was obtained.
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