A Survey on Power Consumption in Routing Protocols of MANET
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 08 (2014),
2 October 2014
A mobile ad- hoc network (MANET) is autonomous, self organizing and self–configuring network with the capability of rapid deployments in response to application needs. Since all sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks work by their own fixed batteries, if any node runs out of battery, the sensor network cannot operates normally. In this condition we should employ the routing protocol which can consume the energy of nodes successfully. Many protocols for energy efficient routing in MANET networks have been suggested but LEACH and PEGASIS are most well known protocols. However LEACH consume energy heavily in the head nodes and the head nodes tend die early and PEGASIS –which is known as a better energy efficient protocol has long transfer time from a source to sink node. We proposed hybrid protocol of LEACH and PEGASIS , which uses the clustering mechanism of LEACH and the chaining mechanism of PEGASIS.    Â
Keywords:-LEACH, PEGASIS, clustering, routing protocol, cluster, cluster head.How to Cite
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