Result Analysis for Data hiding in Motion Vectors of Compressed Video Based on Steganography
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 08 (2014),
2 October 2014
This thesis apply steganography algorithm in a video. In earlier steganography method spatial or transformed domain is used for data hiding. But in future method we are using compressed video to hide the secrete message; we use motion vectors to encode and reconstruct both the forward predictive (P)-frame and bidirectional (B)-frames in compress video. Motion vectors are calculate by means of macro block guess mistake, which is different from the approaches based on the motion vector attributes such as the magnitude and phase viewpoint, etc. A greedy adaptive threshold is look for for each frame to achieve robustness while maintain a low prediction error level. Secrete information bits are replace with the least significant bits of motion vectors. This algorithm was experienced on special types of videos. The future method is establishing to perform well and is compare to a motion vector attribute-based method from the writing.
Index Terms—Data hiding, Motion vectors, Motion Picture Expert Group (MPEG), SteganographyHow to Cite
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