Control of Power Flow in Transmission Line Using UPFC
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 08 (2014),
2 October 2014
Electrical power systems is a large interrelated network which requires a careful design to maintain the system with constant power flow operation without any limitations. Flexible to improve the system stability of a power system. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a flexible device in the FACTS family , which has the ability to together control all the transmission parameters of power systems i.e. voltage, impedance and phase angle which determines the power flow of a transmission line. This project shows a case study to control the power flow of a power system with UPFC. In this paper we see how the upfc raise the transmission capability and decrease the power blocking in the transmission line , this study shows the results that we get by implementing a transmission system in MATLAB. The results of the network with and without UPFC are compared in terms of active and reactive power flow in the transmission line at the bus to analyze the performance of UPFC.
Keywords :Â FACTSÂ , UPFC , AC transmission line , statcom , ssscHow to Cite
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