Analysis of J48 Algorithm in Classification-Ebola Virus
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 08 (2014),
2 October 2014
Data mining is the rising research area to overcome various queries and classification. It is one of the major problems in the area of data mining. In this article, we used J48 algorithm of the WEKA interface. It can be utilized for testing various datasets. J48 algorithm is based on C4.5 decision based learning. Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithm can be applied directly to a data set or called from your own java code. Ebola virus is affected to the human kind from the affected animals. Proper care must be taken while contacting with the blood or bodily fluids of the affected animals. Proper care must be taken in case of clothing and cooking meat. Fruit bats are the main carriers of this virus. This disease has high risk of death. In this paper publication, the symptoms indicating Ebola have been analyzed in order to identify and cure the victims of the Ebola virus.
Keywords: Data Mining, WEKA, J48, Ebola virus, Decision Tree,How to Cite
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