Khadakwasla watershed Modeling using HEC-HMS Modclark Transform
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 09 (2014),
1 November 2014
Using a MOD Clark model of WMS 9.1 hydrologic modelling wizard we are able to delineate a watershed, create a grid from the delineated watershed, and compute watershed geometric and hydrologic parameters from geometric, land use, and soil data. And then after using a MODClark model in HMS 3.5 to obtain a hydrograph. And the parameters values can be easily checked and compared.
Keywords: Modclark, HMS, Hydrograph, Hydrologic modelingHow to Cite
Jedhe, Y. S. (2014). Khadakwasla watershed Modeling using HEC-HMS Modclark Transform. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(09). Retrieved from
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[2] Brian C. Hoblit (1) and David C. Curtis, Ph.D. (2)(2001) Integrating Radar Rainfall Estimates with Digital Elevation Models and Land Use Data to Create an Accurate Hydrologic Model* Presented at the Floodplain Management Association Spring 2001 Conference, San Diego, California, March 13 – 16.
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