Mitigation of Voltage Complication by A Novel Control Algorithm Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 10 (2014),
4 December 2014
This project gives the systematic procedure of the modeling and simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for power quality problem, voltage sag based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. This problem is reduced by using custom power devices. The control of the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is done with the help of PWM. The proposed DVR is modeled and simulated by using MATLAB/Simulink environment.
Keywords: Power Quality, DVR, voltage sags/swells, VSI, Synchronous Reference Frame Theory, MATLAB/SIMULINK.
How to Cite
Kumar, K., & Sitaram, A. (2014). Mitigation of Voltage Complication by A Novel Control Algorithm Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10). Retrieved from
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1. Power Quality Problems and New Solutions by A. de Almeida, L. Moreira. J. Delgado
2. Math H.J. Bollen, Understanding power quality problems: voltage sags and interruptions, IEEE Press, New York, 2000
3. Performance of DVR under different voltage sag and swell conditions by T. Devaraju, V. C. Reddy and M. Vijaya Kumar
4. Voltage Quality Improvement Using DVR by Chellali BENACHAIBA, Brahim FERDI
5. Adaline-Based Control of Capacitor Supported DVR for Distribution System Bhim Singh*, P. Jayaprakash†, and D. P. Kothari
6. Control of three level inverter based DVR by 1S.LEELA, S.DASH
7. Rating and Design Issues of DVR Injection Transformer by Sasitharan S., Mahesh K. Mishra, Member, IEEE, B. Kalyan Kumar, and JayashankarV.,member, IEEE
8. Particle Swarm Optimization based Dynamic Voltage Restorer
9. Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices by A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich. 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
10. FACTS controllers in power transmission and distribution by K. R. Padiyar
11. S. Chen, G. Joos, L. Lopes, and W. Guo. 2000. A nonlinear control method of dynamic voltage restorers in 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference. pp. 88- 93.
12. Voltage quality enhancement with custom power park by Mehmet Emin MERAL
13. The Effect of DVR Location for Enhancing Voltage Sag by Rohanim Ibrahim, Ahmed M. A. Haidar, Zahim M., Herbert Iu
14. Modeling and simulation for voltage sags/swells mitigation using DVR by Rosliomar, NasrudinAbd Rahim, Marizan Sulaiman
15. Control of Reduced Rating Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Battery Energy Storage System, ‖ by B. Sing, P. Joyprakash
16. H. Akagi, E H Watanabe and M Aredes, Instantaneous power theory and applications to power conditioning, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
2. Math H.J. Bollen, Understanding power quality problems: voltage sags and interruptions, IEEE Press, New York, 2000
3. Performance of DVR under different voltage sag and swell conditions by T. Devaraju, V. C. Reddy and M. Vijaya Kumar
4. Voltage Quality Improvement Using DVR by Chellali BENACHAIBA, Brahim FERDI
5. Adaline-Based Control of Capacitor Supported DVR for Distribution System Bhim Singh*, P. Jayaprakash†, and D. P. Kothari
6. Control of three level inverter based DVR by 1S.LEELA, S.DASH
7. Rating and Design Issues of DVR Injection Transformer by Sasitharan S., Mahesh K. Mishra, Member, IEEE, B. Kalyan Kumar, and JayashankarV.,member, IEEE
8. Particle Swarm Optimization based Dynamic Voltage Restorer
9. Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices by A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich. 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
10. FACTS controllers in power transmission and distribution by K. R. Padiyar
11. S. Chen, G. Joos, L. Lopes, and W. Guo. 2000. A nonlinear control method of dynamic voltage restorers in 2002 IEEE 33rd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference. pp. 88- 93.
12. Voltage quality enhancement with custom power park by Mehmet Emin MERAL
13. The Effect of DVR Location for Enhancing Voltage Sag by Rohanim Ibrahim, Ahmed M. A. Haidar, Zahim M., Herbert Iu
14. Modeling and simulation for voltage sags/swells mitigation using DVR by Rosliomar, NasrudinAbd Rahim, Marizan Sulaiman
15. Control of Reduced Rating Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Battery Energy Storage System, ‖ by B. Sing, P. Joyprakash
16. H. Akagi, E H Watanabe and M Aredes, Instantaneous power theory and applications to power conditioning, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
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