Microhardness, Dielectric and Photoconductivity Studies of 2- Amino 5- Nitro Pyridinium Dihydrogen Phosphate (2A5NPDP) NLO Single Crystal
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 10 (2014),
4 December 2014
An orthorhombic (2- Amino 5 – Nitro Pyridinum Phosphate) semi organic crystals was grown using slow evaporation method. As grown crystals of 2A5NPDP was characterized by microhardness, dielectric and photoconductivity studies. Hardness value was measured by Vickers hardness. The study of dielectric constant was carried out by using HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HITESTER. The photoconductivity was also measured by using KEITHLEY 485 picometer.How to Cite
Rajkumar, M. A., John Xavier, S. S., Anbarasu, S., & Devarajan, P. (2014). Microhardness, Dielectric and Photoconductivity Studies of 2- Amino 5- Nitro Pyridinium Dihydrogen Phosphate (2A5NPDP) NLO Single Crystal. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10). Retrieved from http://ijetst.in/index.php/ijetst/article/view/442
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20. E.M. Onitsch. Mikroskopie 2 (1947) 131- 151.
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22. Suresh Sagadevan and priyaMurugesan, J. Crystallization process and Technology, 4 (2014) 99-110.
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28. Smith C.p., Dielectric Behaviour and structure, Mcgraw- Hill; Newyork, 1965.
29. C. Justin Raj, S. Dinakaran, S. Krishnan, B. Milton Boaz, R. Robert, S. Jerome Das, Opt. Commun. 281 (2008) 2285.
30. Balarew C., Dublew,R.j. Solid State Chem. 55 (1984) 1-6.
31. Francis p. Xavier, Anto Regis Inigo, George j. Goldsmith, J. PorphyrinsPhthalocyannines 3 (1999) 679.
32. V.N. Joshi, Photoconductivity, Marcel Dekker, Newyork, 1990.
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