Time-Based Proxy Re-encryption Scheme for Secure Data Sharing in a Cloud Environment
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 01 (2015),
6 January 2015
Abstract: In this research paper, we will describe the system model and security model in our scheme and provide our design goals and related assumptions. We consider a cloud computing environment consisting of a cloud service provider (CSP), a data owner, and many users. The CSP maintains cloud infrastructures, which pool the bandwidth, storage space, and CPU power of many cloud servers to provide 24/7 services. We assume that the cloud infrastructures are more reliable and powerful than personal computers. In our system, the CSP mainly provides two services: data storage and re-encryption. After obtaining the encrypted data from the data owner, the CSP will store the data on several cloud servers, which can be chosen by the consistent hash function, where the input of the consistent hash function is the key of the data, and the outputs of the consistent hash function are the IDs of the servers that store the data. On receiving a data access request from a user, the CSP will re-encrypt the cipher text based on its own time, and return the re-encrypted cipher text.
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