Filtering of Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 01 (2015),
6 January 2015
An information filtering scheme is an information organization designed in support of unstructured or semi structured information. Filtering applications naturally entail streams concerning incoming information, moreover being transmitted by distant sources. Text categorization is accordingly a discipline at intersection of machine learning and information retrieval and as such it contributes to a numeral of characteristics by means of other responsibilities. Filtering was used to explain the procedure of accessing as well as retrieving information from distant databases, in which incoming information is the consequence of database searches. To enforce the filtering rules precise by the user the initial component makes use of the categorization of message provided by means of the module of short text classifier.
Keywords: Filtering rules, Short text classifier, Database, Machine learning.How to Cite
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