Chemical By Azoxystrobin Against Moisisures Citrus Fruit Fight
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 02 (2015),
4 February 2015
The study of the effect of two culture media on the development of six fungal genera (Penicillium, Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Alternaria, Fusarium and Moniliella) isolated from two citrus (orange and dark orange clementine oranges) Conservation showed that media based on PDA medium apple and favor the development of these fungi. On PDA medium, the mycelial growth is 25 ° C maximum.
In vitro, azoxystrobin was more effective on mycelial growth. In vivo, reducing mold two important citrus were at 4 ° C and 25 ° C average except for Aspergillus and Moniliella.
Key-words: citrus fruits, fungi, mycelial growth, struggle with azoxystrobinHow to Cite
ATTRASSI, K., & BADOC, A. (2015). Chemical By Azoxystrobin Against Moisisures Citrus Fruit Fight. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(02). Retrieved from
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2. Attrassi (K.), Selmaoui (K.), Ouazzani Touhami (A.), Badoc (A.), Douira (A.) - Biologie et physiologie des principaux agents fongiques de la pourriture des pommes en conservation et lutte chimique par l’azoxystrobine. - Bull. Soc. Pharm. Bordeaux, 2005, 144(1-2), 47-62.
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13. Ortuno (A.), Diaz (L.), Alvarez, (N.), Porras (I.), Garcia-Lidon (A.), Del Rio ( J. A.) -Comparative study of flavonoid and scoparone accumulation in different Citrusspecies and their susceptibility to Penicilliumdigitatum. From Food Chemistry (2011), 125(1), 232-239.
14. Owens (R.G.) - Chemistry and physiology of fungicidal action. -Annu. Rev. hytopathol., 1963, 1, 77-100.
15. Petrunak (D.M.), Christ (B.J.) - Isoenzyme variability in Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata. - Phytopathology, 1992, 82(11), 1343-1347.
16. Pitt (J.I.) - A laboratory guide to common Penicillium species. North Ryde, W.S.W., Australia: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Food Processing, 1988, 187 p.
17. Ramdani (A.), 1989. Les pourritures à Penicillium expansum Link ex. Thom des pommes et des poires dans une station frigorifique de la région de Mekhnès : problèmes et remèdes. Mémoire 3e cycle en Agronomie, Option Phytopathologie, IAV Hassan II, 112 p.
18. Samson (R.A.), Reenen-Hoekstra (E.S. van), Oorschot (C.A.N. van) -Introduction to food-borne fungi. Baern: Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures, Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1984, 2nd ed., 248 p.
19. Schirra (M.), D'Aquino (S.), Palma (A.), Angioni (A.), Cabras (P.), Migheli (Q.) - Residues of the quinone outside inhibitor fungicide trifloxystrobin after postharvest dip treatments to control Penicilliumspp. on Citrusfruits. From Journal of Food Protection (2006), 69(7), 1646-1652.
20. Selmaoui (K.) - Étude d’un complexe fongique responsable de la pourriture des pommes en conservation. Application de quelques moyens de lutte chimique. Thèse Doct. Univ. Ibn Tofaïl, Fac Sci. Kenitra, Maroc, 1999, 175 p.
21. Sijpesteijn (A.K.)- Biochemical modes of action of agricultural fungicides. - World Rev. Pest. Contr., U.K., 1970, 9(2), 85-93.
22. Snowdon (A.L.) - A colour atlas of post-harvest diseases and disorders of fruits and vegetables: General introduction and fruits. London: Wolfe Scientific, 1990, 302 p.
23. Swinburne (T.R.) - Quiescent infections in post-harvest diseases. In Dennis (C.) (Ed.), Post-harvest pathology of fruits and vegetables. London: Academic Press, 1983, 1-21.
24. Yang (W.), Deng (L-z.), Zhou (L.), Zhong (B-l.), Lai (T-m.), Chun (J.) -Screening of plant extracts for fungistasis to Penicillium italicum of navel orange. From Shipin Keji (2013), 38(12), 238-241.
25. Youssef ( K.), Ligorio (A.), Sanzani (S. M.), Nigro (F.), Ippolito (A.)-Control of storage diseases of citrusby pre- and postharvest application of salts. From Postharvest Biology and Technology (2012), 72, 57-63.
2. Attrassi (K.), Selmaoui (K.), Ouazzani Touhami (A.), Badoc (A.), Douira (A.) - Biologie et physiologie des principaux agents fongiques de la pourriture des pommes en conservation et lutte chimique par l’azoxystrobine. - Bull. Soc. Pharm. Bordeaux, 2005, 144(1-2), 47-62.
3. Bailly (R.) - Guide pratique de défense des cultures : Reconnaissance des ennemis Notion de protection des cultures. 4e ed. Paris: Acta, 1990, 557 p.
4. Botton (B.), Breton (A.), Fevre (M.), Gauthier (S.), Guy (P.), Larpent (J.P.), Reymond (P.), Sarglier (J.J.), Vayssier (Y.), Veau (P.) -Moisissures utiles et nuisibles : importance industrielle. Paris, Milan, Barcelone : Masson, «Collection Biotechnologies (Paris) », 1990, 2ed. rev. et compl., 512 p.
5. Bondoux (P.) - Maladies de conservation des fruits à pépins, pommes et poires. Paris : INRA, PHM, 1992, 173 p.
6. Davet (P.), Rouxel (F.) - Détection et isolement des champignons du sol. Paris : INRA, «Techniques et Pratiques (Paris) », 1997, 203 p
7. Hasijà (S.K.) - Physiological studies of Alternaria citri and A. tenuis. -Mycologia, 1970, 62(2), 289-295.
8. Lamarque (C.) - Étude comparée de l’évolution des Alternaria du tournesol en Australie et en France. - Phytoma, 1987, (393), 24-27.
9. Leroux (P.), Moncomble (D.) - Lutte chimique contre la pourriture grise de la vigne. Passé, présent, futur (1re partie). - Phytoma, 1993a, (450), 27-30.
10. Leroux (P.), Moncomble (D.) - Lutte chimique contre la pourriture grise de la vigne. Passé, présent, futur (2e partie). - Phytoma, 1993b, (451), 23-27.
11. Mislivec (P.B.), Tuite (J.) - Temperature and relative humidity requirements of species of Penicillium isolated from yellow dent corn kernels. - Mycologia, 1970, 62(1), 75-88.
12. Northover (J.), Zhou (T.) - Control of Rhizopus rots of peaches with postharvest treatments of tebuconazole, fludioxonil, and Pseudomonas syringae. -Can. J. Plant Pathol., 2002, 24(2), 144-153.
13. Ortuno (A.), Diaz (L.), Alvarez, (N.), Porras (I.), Garcia-Lidon (A.), Del Rio ( J. A.) -Comparative study of flavonoid and scoparone accumulation in different Citrusspecies and their susceptibility to Penicilliumdigitatum. From Food Chemistry (2011), 125(1), 232-239.
14. Owens (R.G.) - Chemistry and physiology of fungicidal action. -Annu. Rev. hytopathol., 1963, 1, 77-100.
15. Petrunak (D.M.), Christ (B.J.) - Isoenzyme variability in Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata. - Phytopathology, 1992, 82(11), 1343-1347.
16. Pitt (J.I.) - A laboratory guide to common Penicillium species. North Ryde, W.S.W., Australia: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Food Processing, 1988, 187 p.
17. Ramdani (A.), 1989. Les pourritures à Penicillium expansum Link ex. Thom des pommes et des poires dans une station frigorifique de la région de Mekhnès : problèmes et remèdes. Mémoire 3e cycle en Agronomie, Option Phytopathologie, IAV Hassan II, 112 p.
18. Samson (R.A.), Reenen-Hoekstra (E.S. van), Oorschot (C.A.N. van) -Introduction to food-borne fungi. Baern: Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures, Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1984, 2nd ed., 248 p.
19. Schirra (M.), D'Aquino (S.), Palma (A.), Angioni (A.), Cabras (P.), Migheli (Q.) - Residues of the quinone outside inhibitor fungicide trifloxystrobin after postharvest dip treatments to control Penicilliumspp. on Citrusfruits. From Journal of Food Protection (2006), 69(7), 1646-1652.
20. Selmaoui (K.) - Étude d’un complexe fongique responsable de la pourriture des pommes en conservation. Application de quelques moyens de lutte chimique. Thèse Doct. Univ. Ibn Tofaïl, Fac Sci. Kenitra, Maroc, 1999, 175 p.
21. Sijpesteijn (A.K.)- Biochemical modes of action of agricultural fungicides. - World Rev. Pest. Contr., U.K., 1970, 9(2), 85-93.
22. Snowdon (A.L.) - A colour atlas of post-harvest diseases and disorders of fruits and vegetables: General introduction and fruits. London: Wolfe Scientific, 1990, 302 p.
23. Swinburne (T.R.) - Quiescent infections in post-harvest diseases. In Dennis (C.) (Ed.), Post-harvest pathology of fruits and vegetables. London: Academic Press, 1983, 1-21.
24. Yang (W.), Deng (L-z.), Zhou (L.), Zhong (B-l.), Lai (T-m.), Chun (J.) -Screening of plant extracts for fungistasis to Penicillium italicum of navel orange. From Shipin Keji (2013), 38(12), 238-241.
25. Youssef ( K.), Ligorio (A.), Sanzani (S. M.), Nigro (F.), Ippolito (A.)-Control of storage diseases of citrusby pre- and postharvest application of salts. From Postharvest Biology and Technology (2012), 72, 57-63.
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