Remote Automatic Meter Reading System with Instant Billing for MSEB
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2014),
12 April 2014
An RAMR (Remote Automatic Meter Reading) system is used to automatically collect data from various meters located in different area. In this paper we design and implement a Wireless Automatic Meter Reading System to solve the problem in existing AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system. The system consists of wireless modules, transmitters, receivers, measure meters and management center (as a server).We describes a system framework including the hardware of wireless module and software design of data acquisition. We also develop the operator interface on management center. Finally, we build up a Wireless Automatic voltage Meter Reading System as a case study. The proposed system has board application foreground in industry. Because of the traditional way of metering error and low efficiency, so we have propose household metering system design using 89C51 as the microcontroller and RF as a Radio Frequency channel between Transmitter and Receiver chip as close communication function, using RS232 act as a interface between Receiver and Server. Clustering structure of the network to reduce Energy- saving sleep cycle, data traffic has been achieved. An experiment proves that this system is safe.
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