Seismic Performance for Fixed Base and Base Isolated Reinforced Concrete Structure
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 04 (2015),
1 April 2015
The base isolation systems are gaining large attention as a mean to protect structure form seismic hazard. It is a suitable technology for earthquake resistant design of variety of structure like buildings, bridges, airport terminals, nuclear power plant etc. Seismic isolation consists of essentially the installation of mechanisms which decouple the structure from base by providing seismic isolators. The seismic isolation system is mounted beneath the superstructure and is referred as Base Isolation. The aim of this study deals with structural behavior of building with and without base isolation. Lead rubber bearing is used as an isolation device then compare various parameters like Base shear, Displacement, Storey drift. 5and 15 storey buildings are test models. Nonlinear time history analysis is carried out for both fix base and base isolated structure.
Key Words: Base isolation, Storey drift, Base shear, Nonlinear time history analysis, SAP2000How to Cite
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