Smart Accident Detection & Assistance System
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 04 (2015),
1 April 2015
The numbers of deaths due to road accidents are increasing day by day. Even the vehicles are becoming more sophisticated with features like GPS navigation and airbags for safety. In spite of this the victims of the accidents which occur at remote locations do not get prompt medical service. There are several cases where the accident victims lose their lives due to lack of medical assistance. These victims may get serious injuries due to which the might not be able to move or communicate to the rest of the world. In such situations the advancements in technology and the sophistication of the vehicles do not seem to be useful. Smart Accident Detection and Assistance Systems overcomes this limitations as it will automatically detect an accident and notify the nearest emergency response services i.e. Hospitals and Towing services which will enable the accident victim to receive instant medical help and assistance. In today’s day roads are the most used medium for traveling. A large number of road accidents take place every year around the globe. Most of the accidents on highways may prove fatal; sometimes the victims go unattended and even lose their lives. So, this system proposes a solution to this problem which detects accident of the vehicle and alerts the ambulance service, insurance company, towing services so as to provide instant medical help.How to Cite
Dhole, P., Gite, N., Shaikh, S., & Sonawane, V. (2015). Smart Accident Detection & Assistance System. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(04). Retrieved from
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1. "Portable Automatic Conjecturing and Announcing System for Real-Time Accident Detection" by Chin Feng Lai, Chen Ying Liu, Sung-Yen Chang and Yueh Min Huang, Department of Engineering Science, Natio- nal Chen Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2. "WreckWatch: Automatic Traffic Accident Detection and Notification with Smart-phones“ by Jules White, Chris Thompson, Hamilton Turner, Brian Dougherty, and Douglas C. Schmidt.
3. "Research on Mobile Location Service Design Based on Android" by XianhuaShu, Zhanjun Du, Rong Chen, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China.
4. Chris Thompson, Jules White, Brian Doughtery, Adam Albright, "Using Smartphones Wireless Mobile Networks To detect car accidents and provide Situational Awareness to Emergency Responders", Chicago.
5. N.Thome, S. Miguet, S.Ambellous., "A Real- Time Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Approach".
6. Bhumkar.S.P.,Deotare.V.V.,R.V.Babar.(2012), "Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology.
7. Ohn Whipple., William Arensman., Marian Starr Boler. ,"A Public Safety Application of GPS-Enabled Smartphones and the Android Operating System", Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems.
8. Zutao Zhang, Jiashu Zhang, "A Novel Vehicle Safety Model: Vehicle speed Controller under Driver Fatigue", "IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security".
9. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Occupant Crash Protection - Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 1999.
10. Blandford and BL William Wong. Situation awareness in emergency medical dispatch. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
11. H. Foroughi, A. Naseri, A. Saberi, and H. S. Yazdi, "An eigenspace-based approach for elderly fall detection using Integrated Time Motion Image and Neural Network," Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Signal Processing
12. J. Y. Lee and K. Ya, "Multi-Target, Multi-Sensor Tracking Based On Quality-Of- Information And Formal Bayesian Frameworks," International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent System.
2. "WreckWatch: Automatic Traffic Accident Detection and Notification with Smart-phones“ by Jules White, Chris Thompson, Hamilton Turner, Brian Dougherty, and Douglas C. Schmidt.
3. "Research on Mobile Location Service Design Based on Android" by XianhuaShu, Zhanjun Du, Rong Chen, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China.
4. Chris Thompson, Jules White, Brian Doughtery, Adam Albright, "Using Smartphones Wireless Mobile Networks To detect car accidents and provide Situational Awareness to Emergency Responders", Chicago.
5. N.Thome, S. Miguet, S.Ambellous., "A Real- Time Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Approach".
6. Bhumkar.S.P.,Deotare.V.V.,R.V.Babar.(2012), "Accident Avoidance and Detection on Highways", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology.
7. Ohn Whipple., William Arensman., Marian Starr Boler. ,"A Public Safety Application of GPS-Enabled Smartphones and the Android Operating System", Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems.
8. Zutao Zhang, Jiashu Zhang, "A Novel Vehicle Safety Model: Vehicle speed Controller under Driver Fatigue", "IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security".
9. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Occupant Crash Protection - Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 1999.
10. Blandford and BL William Wong. Situation awareness in emergency medical dispatch. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
11. H. Foroughi, A. Naseri, A. Saberi, and H. S. Yazdi, "An eigenspace-based approach for elderly fall detection using Integrated Time Motion Image and Neural Network," Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Signal Processing
12. J. Y. Lee and K. Ya, "Multi-Target, Multi-Sensor Tracking Based On Quality-Of- Information And Formal Bayesian Frameworks," International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent System.
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