AADQ’s: Advances in Aggregation & Distribution of Query services
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 04 (2015),
1 April 2015
Cloud computing has significant efficiency and cost advantages, here is an appealing solution for the cost efficient clouds especially for the pay as you go model. We propose a scheme called Advanced Aggregation & Distribution of query services (AADQ’s). In this paper, we address Privacy and Efficiency are the two fundamental issues. Without heavy querying this scheme allows users to retrieve files of their interest without leaking any information which is subject to privacy. It also aggregates user’s queries in a short time delay, based on multi keyword and multi ranking techniques, which retrieves higher percentage of matched files. The AADQ contains a caching mechanism which overcomes the drawback of sending redundant queries to the cloud, which intern saves the cost. As it provides an efficient solution to reduce querying overhead incurred on the cloud. This feature is useful when cloud retrieves large numbers of matched files, but the user needs only a few of them. Extensive evaluations have been conducted to show the advantages of this approach.
Keywords: Multikeyword, Multiranking, Query Services, Caching Mechanism.How to Cite
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