Link Stability in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 04 (2015),
1 April 2015
Providing an efficient, robust and low overhead path from source node to destination node in MANETs is a critical issue due to frequent change in the network topology and mobility of the node (which cause frequent change in radio link). Hence it is necessary to check the node stability with respect to node mobility during path establishment .path. Many routing algorithms, proposed for ad-hoc network, are based on source routing scheme. When a route is broken in source routing, route recovery and maintenance procedure are executed, these procedure consume many resources. To minimize route breaking, it important to find a route that endures longer time. Shortest path route has short lifetime especially in high dense ad-hoc network. Some routing protocol such as SSA and ABR are considering the link stability and try finding more stable route.  The stability is computed by using the parameters such as received power, distance between neighboring nodes and link quality that is assessed using bit error in a packet. The proposed scheme is simulated over a large number of MANETs nodes with wide range of mobility and the performance is evaluated. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared with two well-known mesh based multicast routing protocol, i.e. on demand multicast routing protocols(ODMRP) and enhance on demand multicast routing protocol(EODMRP) It is observed that the proposed scheme produce better packet delivery ratio, reduces packet delay and reduced overheads. This paper also proposes a method to find the stability factor of a node by considering self and neighbor node stability. The stability factor of a node may be used to establish a path from source to destination. The stable nodes in the path will provide higher packet delivery ratio and lower latency. We have tried to show link stability and node stability under the influence of varying node speeds and number of nodes.
Key words: MANETs, Stability factor, Link stability, node stability, SSA and ABRHow to Cite
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