A Closure Looks to Load Balanced Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Network
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015),
7 May 2015
A wireless Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an mobile network which is infrastructure-less &based on radio to radio multi-hoping and it has nora fixed router centralized controller. All node sare enabled to move so they can get connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. MANETs is a challenging task due to the dynamic nature of network topology, frequent mobility, band width limitation, limited battery power. For the proper functionality of Ad hoc networks, routing protocols are mandatory. A routing protocol should be able to distribute the routing asks fairly among mobile hosts in MANETS. Most current routing protocols for mobile Ad hoc networks take into account the shortest path with minimum hop count as best route with none thought of any explicit node’s traffic and so degrading the performance by inflicting serious issues in mobile node like queuing delay, power depletion and congestion. Therefore it is very lucrative to investigate Routing protocols which use a Routing Metric to Balance Load in Ad hoc networks. In this paper we present various load Balanced Routing protocols for efficient data transmission in MANETs.
Keywords: Load Balancing, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), Routing.How to Cite
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