Fabrication of Automated Guided Vehical
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 05 (2015),
7 May 2015
Automated guided vehicle are battery powered, automatically steered vehicles that follow defined pathways in the floor. The pathways are unobtrusive. AGV’s are used to move unit loads between load and unload stations in the facility. Routing variations are possible, meaning that different loads move between different stations. They are usually interfaced with other system to achieve the full benefits of integrated automation. Paint strips are used to define the vehicle path ways, the vehicle possesses IR sensor system that is capable of tracking the paint. The strips can be taped, sprayed, or painted on the floor.
An onboard sensor detect the reflected light in the strip and controls the steering mechanism to follow it. The paint guidance system is useful in environments, where electrical noise would render the guide wire system unreliable or when the installation of guide wires in the floor surface would not be appropriate. One problem with the paint strip guidance method is that the paint strip must be maintained.
In manufacturing units, material spends more time in a shop moving than being machined, which means that there is more time wasted thereby adding to the cost of the product. Thus, material handling methods used are important in improving the profitability of a manufacturing organization. The major automated material handling systems that are generally used in advanced manufacturing are automated guided vehicles (AGV) or mobile robots, storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) The primary objective of this project is to design a fully autonomous “line following AGV†capable of following a pre-designed path marked on a surface. The microcontroller receives the input from a series of infrared sensors and from these inputs determines if the AGV should continue forward or the direction of the AGV should be changed. Accordingly the speed of the motors is controlled and thus the mobile robot is made to follow the predetermined path.How to Cite
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7. www.elsevier.com/locate/ejor/Survey of research in the design and control of automated guided vehicle systems.
8. www.jbtcorporation.com/en/Solutions/Automatic-Guided-Vehicles.
9. http://www.arduino.cc/
10. www.atmel.com/devices/atmega328
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