Analysis of Plate Girder Bridge for Class-AA Loadings (Tracked Vehicles)
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
A bridge is a means by which a road, railway or other service is carried over an obstacle such as a river, valley and other road or railway line, either with no intermediate support or with only a limited number of supports at convenient locations.
Strength, safety and economy are the three key features that cannot be neglected before the finalization of types of bridges. While deciding the types of bridge, spans and other parameters are to be studied carefully to meet out the need of suitability to site conditions. The scope of this thesis is to confine to the design aspect related to variable parameters. Depth of web, thickness of web, width of flange and span of bridges are the variable parameters considered during the design of plate Girder Bridge.
The use of steel often helps the designer to select proportions that are aesthetically pleasing. Structural steels have high strength, ductility and strength to weight ratio. Thus it has become the obvious choice for long span bridges as steel is more efficient and economic. Among the various types of bridges plate girder bridges, truss bridges and box girder bridges are more commonly used. As the cost of steel is rising we have to reduce the amount of steel used without affecting the strength of section. In this thesis a plate girder bridge is designed as per the Limit state method using the IS 800:2007, IRC: 24-2000 and analysed by SAP-2000. Basically the Indian standards are derived from the British Standards. The basic concept is the same. Only the values of various parameters vary according to the design and fabrication/ erection practices existing in India. Design calculations are carried out for simply supported single span. Seismic and wind effect is not taken in to account at design stage. To clarify the design procedure and the current state of practice, a comprehensive literature search and survey were conducted. Recommendations pertaining to best practices for planning, design, and construction activities, as well as applications and limitations are also provided.
Based on the design results, conclusions are arrived at to know the behaviour of plate girder bridges when designed using Indian code.
Keywords: Steel bridges, design comparison, Welded Plate Girder, Indian Road CongressHow to Cite
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