Clustering Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
Wireless sensor network has been emerged as the one of the most promising area of research. The use is not limited to space research, transport, battle fields, surveillance, military, health but many more. The large number of deployed nodes need to be efficiently organized to fulfil the need of data aggregation , load balancing and prolonging network life time Sensor nodes are small power devices so to maintain its long life proper measure is required. Clustering serves this requirement by reducing energy consumption and increasing network scalability. In this article, we highlight the objective of clustering, discuss the different clustering approaches and its classification and finally provide a comparative study of different proposals.
Keywords: Base Station (BS), Cell Header (CH), inter-cluster communication, intra- cluster communication.How to Cite
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