A Study of Variations of the Recti Muscles of the Eyeball in Cadavers
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 06 (2015),
31 May 2015
The human beings are a highly visual species. Most of our information about the world comes to us through our eyes and most of our cultural and intellectual heritage is stored and transmitted as words and images to which our vision gives access and meaning. Knowing more about our eyes and vision is, therefore, one path to better understanding of ourselves. And, as it happens, the human eye is a fairly representative vertebrate eye; knowing more about it tell us much about the eyes of other animals and about how they view the world and us.
Any defect in the extraocular muscle results in a misalignment of the visual axes of the two eyes, the condition is called strabismus. In this condition patients suffers from double vision (diplopia) and also cosmetically it doesn’t look good. Surgical treatment of this condition required the anatomical knowledge of extraocular muscles. Various studies are done on extraocular muscle but no literature showed such study in Indian population. This aroused an interest in doing a study on this subject. The aims and objectives of our study were,
- To measure the width of the recti muscles at the site of insertion
- To measure the distance between the limbus and scleral attachments of the four recti muscles i.e. superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial recttus and lateral rectus.
- To compare the measurements of right eye with with those of left eye
- To study any variations in the recti muscles
- To study variations in the nerve supply of these muscles.
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