A Yoruba Cultural Tradition Repository Knowledge Based System
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 07 (2015),
1 July 2015
In recent years researchers and experts have traditionally focused on how to enhance the look and functionality of how life issues are been tackled with respect to Africa cultural tradition for academic purposes and the development of cultural traditional system. Also, the discrimination between English and Yoruba language in the south west states has now become a norm, that modern civilization culture is preferred more than Yoruba cultural heritage and language. These anomalies have caused the disintegration of the native cultural norms thereby putting the language on the verge of extinction in the nearest future which will eventually lead to another psychological and indirect slave trade. The aim of this research is to design and develop a knowledge base cultural traditional system user friendly interface information system for learning of the cultural tradition with the purpose of having a better understanding of the antiquities of the Yoruba cultural norms which will provide antidotes for the revival and restoration of the cultural norms. The iterative model approach was used to iterate the steps of the research progresses of the requirements and iterates the requirements, design, build and test phases again and again for each requirement until the system is completely built. The research coding was done using Microsoft visual studio c# environment, and for the database, MySQL used. The software requirements was windows operating system version HP 8.1, Windows-Apache_MySQL-PHP(WAMP) which contains PhpMyAdmin which has the facilities that provides the graphical user interface for the MySQL database manager while Microsoft Visual C# was use for the user interface. The study has been designed to give further knowledge. And this will raise the standard of our knowledge of the heritage and the overall system works perfectly well under the set conditions and availability of the specified hardware and software requirements. Hence, the resulting model from this paper would help to sustain the YCT in Nigeria and Diasporas.
KEYWORDS: Knowledge base, Yoruba Cultural Tradition, Iterative Model Approach, WAMP and Microsoft Visual C#How to Cite
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