Experimental Study of use of Solar Energy for the Effluent Treatment by Using Flat Plate Collector
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 07 (2015),
1 July 2015
The survey has made an attempt to find the impact of effluent in the environment. It is observed that the evaporation on black body flat plate more effectively during summer with very high evaporation rate and moderate evaporation in other seasons. And also found that during the normal operation, the color of the effluent varies and becomes clear after treatment with alum, which favors the penetration of solar thermal energy easily. Hence the efficiency of the black body flat plate solar evaporation increases than the normal cement slab tank and natural ponds. Because of the pollution created by the effluents from the industries, it is essential to treat the effluent by proper treatment process. This work recommends to all industries to use black coated sheet for constructing the solar evaporation system in order to recover the salts which causes pollution in water resources. The continuous use of the flat plate solar evaporation system can certainly reduce the volume of effluent discharged from the processing industries. The advantage of utilizing the black body flat plate for evaporation is very faster and it can absorb very high degree of solar radiation which is converted into thermal energy and it is directly converted into heat energy. Heat energy is utilized for the evaporation of effluent. It is observed that the flat plate solar evaporation system made of black body works more effectively during summer with very high evaporation rate and moderately in other seasons. It is observed that the effluent treatment by black coated flat plate solar evaporation system will be eco friendly, economical, simple and easy for adoption in process industry. The effluent from industries can cause harmful effects to the environment. Thermal energy is directly used for the evaporation of the high volume of effluent which causes pollution of ground water and surface water. The solar evaporation tank is blessed with the principle of black body surface which can absorb more solar radiation and more effective than ordinary cement slab tank and natural ponds. Hence the use of black body flat plates can prevent the water pollution to the maximum level than the cement tanks and natural ponds.
Key Words: solar evaporation, effluent, flat plate collectorHow to Cite
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