A New Technique for Power Quality Improvement Using D-statcom By Back-Propagation Control Algorithm
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 07 (2015),
1 July 2015
In this paper by using a back propagation (BP) control algorithm we will implement a three phase distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) for its functions such as load balancing, harmonic elimination, and reactive power compensation or power factor correction, and zero voltage regulation under nonlinear loads. A BP-based control algorithm is used for the estimation of reference source currents by extraction of the fundamental weighted value of active and reactive power components of load currents. Using a digital signal processor we will develop a prototype for DSTATCOM, and its performance is analyzed under various operating conditions. The performance of DSTATCOM is found to be satisfactory with the proposed control algorithm for various types of loads.
Index Terms—Back propagation (BP) control algorithm, harmonics, load balancing, power quality, weights.How to Cite
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